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Welcome to the official blog of Kootra Productions. I am a Machinima.com Writer/Producer/Director/Editor. I create Call of Duty 4, Modern Warfare 2, Team Fortress 2, Half-Life, and Halo 3 Machinimas using my Xbox 360 and PC. A list of all my videos is on the right side of my blog. If you have any questions or comments, send me a message and I will try and respond. I created this blog to keep everybody up to date on all my latest productions and any other random thing that comes up. So, Enjoy watching my Videos and send them out to all your friends.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ok, Lots to say

Ok,This is gonna be intresting. Ok, First off, I need to explain stuff about the COD4 Series and everything else thats caught my attention. The COD4 Series that I am planning, Is gonna be a stab at something that has not been done in COD4. I am gonna make sure it has a good plot and that way I will be happier with it. This may mean that It will be produced sparingly, but episodes will average around 10 minutes. As some may have guessed, Last thought was really the first teaser for it, but I never really had a solid story Idea for a series until now. This will however fall around the same time as suppressor starts coming out, So I will trade off on them to make sure my COD4 and Halo Fans are satisfied. I do not plan to do anything major until after the new year, but I will be releasing Halo and COD4 Shorts along the way. These will keep everybody entertained until I start off for the new year. Anyway, Another thing I Would like to say is that I will be Making a Christmas Special that will be filmed in COD4 with all the clan members. This will include skits and other comedy things, but I have no idea what might happen during filming. Ok, one more thing before I go, TheDuoGroup just released a trailer for their new series, its gonna be good, check it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZO-csd9iLzM


Graham said...

Thanks for the Shout Out! :)

Jordan said...